- Create a variable named ‘items’ with a value of 100.9
- Create an associative array with indexs “name”, “age”, “height” and values of “jose”, 28, “128cm” respectively, then assign it to a variable named ‘person’.
- Using the variable in #2, print the value of index ‘name’.
- Write an If statement that checks if the variable in #1 is greater than 50 then print “You have enough balance.”
- Using Foreach, loop each items in #2 and print their values.
- Create a class Ball with public property color and owner with public function named bounce.
- Create a new variable ‘spalding’ that reference to the class of #6.
- Use the variable in #7 and assign a value of “red” to property color
- Call the function bounce in variable #7
- Use the variable in #7 and assign a value of “John” to property owner.
<?php // #1 $items = 100.9 // #2 $person = array( "name" => "jose", "age" => 28, "height" => "128cm" ); // #3 echo $person[ "name" ]; // #4 if( $items > 50 ) { echo "You have enough balance."; } // #5 foreach( $person as $p ) { echo $p[ "name" ]; echo $p[ "age" ]; echo $p[ "height" ]; } // #6 class Ball { public color; public owner; public function bounce() { } } // #7 $spalding = new Ball(); // #8 $spalding->color = "red"; // #9 $spalding->bounce(); // #10 $spalding->owner = "John"; ?>